DAILY HOROSCOPE: July 15, 2018

Find out what the stars have in store for you today
Dec. 22 – Jan 19

If you want to get along with your significant other right now, keep the conversation away from debts, savings plans, and shared assets, especially the budget. You will both be highly sensitive on the topic of who is spending what and where.
Jan. 20 –  Feb 18 
The workplace may seem a bit confusing at times right now. Half your coworkers or clients are on your team, but the rest are on your case You need to find a way to communicate some good news to people who are overly focused on their worries and fears.
Feb 19 – Mar 20 
If you are a parent, there could be disputes about who goes where right now: The kids have one set of ideas or desires, the parents have other plans. There may be no compromise that works for everyone right now. You may just have to flip a coin if you want to be fair.
Mar 21 – Apr 19
You may be involved in some kind of educational or communications project soon. If you are a writer, you may be published or make an important publishing connection. If not, you may just notice a big bump of friend requests on your social media pages.
Apr 20 – May 20 
You are at a turning point in a friendship. You have gone through a few rough days, but you can now see that there was a purpose to it all. You learned a lot about your friend, and about your own attitudes and feelings about the people you care most about.
May 21 – Jun 21
You could have a moment of profound insight about a friend, or a conversation with a friend could trigger awareness about your own thought processes. You will realize that you have to change some of your habitual reactions, and that idea will bring a great deal of positive change.
Jun 22 – Jul 22 
Be careful when spending money on crafts and hobbies. You do need more fun, but if you sink everything into craft supplies, there won’t be any left over for that class or trip you wanted to take. There are too many creative choices, but not enough time or money.
Jul 23 –  Aug 22
You may find that the best way to boost your creativity right now is to play. Grab a set of crayons and a coloring book, or set up some Lego-toys in the boardroom for your techies to play with. You may be stunned at what strange technique bring out in your brainstorming sessions right now.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
The focus moves to your work, career, ambitions and the relationships and partnerships that relate to those goals. You’ll have mixed feelings, and your temper is short. Be aware of that as you go through the day, so that you don’t inadvertently stir up a hornet’s nest.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
Family members are so wrapped in politics right now that they have lost all sight of priorities. If you know someone who resembles that remark, show them your horoscope right now. You can say “See? Here is someone else saying that there are more important things in the world to be concerned with.”
Oct 23 – Nov 21
You get some interesting ideas or opinions from neighbors, siblings or close friends about religious and spiritual beliefs right now. Try to keep an open mind. You may discover that someone has some compelling thoughts and philosophies that are useful to you.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
Your phone will be ringing off the hook. The gossip lines are just burning with good news, and everyone you know is eager to be the first to tell you. You are likely to have good news of your own. There is a new stage coming in an important relationship.

Source: Horoscopes Daily Plus
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