DAILY HOROSCOPE: July 23, 2018

Find out what the stars have in store for you today
Dec. 22 – Jan 19
You may have to make an important decision about your budget, particularly where it comes to shared resources, and banking that accounts you share with your spouse or partner.The two of you may ave to make some kind of compromise so you can get back to what is more important in your lives.
Jan. 20 –  Feb 18 
There is a life-altering fork in the road and you are not sure what path to take. There is no right or wrong choice. Ask yourself which road lead to you feeling more secure, happier, satisfies and successful? What are your priorities? That will make the choice more obvious.
Feb 19 – Mar 20 
Friends and companions will come together and the groups of people you communicate with or hang out around will be a veritable collection of entertaining eccentricity. You will get odd or unusual phone calls, and someone may have money for you.
Mar 21 – Apr 19
Your friends may be planing a “stealth date” if you are single- that’s when they set up what amounts to a blind date, but they don’t tell either of you what’s going on. You may be surprised by your attraction to someone who seems completely outside your normal realm of attraction.
Apr 20 – May 20 
You’ll be the center of attention right now. You have a strongly romantic appeal, and are drawing potential suitors like bees to honey. Unfortunately, a few of them are the kind of people you can’t bring home to mother, if you catch the meaning.

May 21 – Jun 21
You may have the kind of experience that only makes sense in retrospect right now- a learning experience involving money, values, friendship and children. You may find yourself passing along your values about hard work or family values to your own children or someone else’s. Be careful if it is the latter, your values may not be in line with their parent’s!
Jun 22 – Jul 22 
The psychic or intuitive impressions continue right now, and are stronger than ever. You could be asked to teach a class or lead a group of people who are studying spiritual or psychic experiences. Don’t be afraid to share some of your deeper insights.
Jul 23 –  Aug 22
It would be a good day to practice being a god listener, because your words and ideas are apt to get you in a heap of trouble. You are not certain of yourself, and that may come through, no matter how hard you try to put on a brave front.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
You are likely to hear good news about travel or education, and you’ll feel highly charged and energetic right now. A family member wants to rain on your parade though- they seem to think you spend too much time playing and not enough time plotting your advance up the ladder of success.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
You kind of feel like you are hiding your light right now, waiting for an opportunity to jump out into the spotlight and share your talents with a wider audience. You might have some “leg-work” to do- travel, research and paperwork may frustrate you but it is necessary.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
You will find out some interesting information that will shed new light on an old mystery. An older friend or relative may share a family secret that will have tongues wagging and minds buzzing. You may benefit as a result of someone sharing information.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
An old flame or admirer may come back into your life, but the timing may not be right. Ultimately, the chemistry is not there anymore. You may want to revisit an old relationship later, when you are more clear.

Source: Horoscopes Daily Plus
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