DAILY HOROSCOPE: March 12, 2020

Find out what the stars have in store for you today

Mar 21 – Apr 19

Put an extra spring in your step, Aries. The slow, steady pace may be something that you’re comfortable with, but note that the situations of the day call for something much more dynamic and brave. Pull out your leadership hat and put it on proudly. Today is the day for you to call the shots, instead of compromising in order to get along with others.

Apr 20 – May 20

Be prepared for all-out combat with people today, Taurus, even though this is pretty much the opposite of your normal style. In fact, “opposite” is the name of the game for you today. Don’t be surprised if you walk into an ice cream shop wanting vanilla and all they have is chocolate. Remember to not get upset by these types of situations over which you simply have no control.

May 21 – Jun 21

Issues regarding freedom are apt to come up today in more ways than one, Gemini. These issues could be connected with opportunities for adventure and travel. Although you initially want to dive into this promised freedom, take time to reflect on what you need in your current situation before making any final decision. Don’t forget the other people in your life and how such actions might affect them and your relationships.

Jun 22 – Jul 22

In general, things should be going extremely well for you today, Cancer, so don’t miss this opportunity to pursue your dreams in every sense of the word. Do things with passion and don’t hold back. Remember that your mind and will are the only things stopping you from getting where you want to be. There’s a great deal of magnetism at your disposal today, so enlist others to help you.

Jul 23 –  Aug 22

You may feel anxious today, even more so than usual, Leo. Your nerves may be quite jittery, and there’s a feeling that you may not be on exactly the right track. More than likely, what you need to do is simply calm down and relax. Let your brain slow down and think clearly without the distraction of many people telling you what to do.


Aug 23 – Sep 22

Put an extra spring in your step, Virgo. The slow, steady pace may be something that you’re comfortable with, but note that the situations of the day call for something much more dynamic and brave. Pull out your leadership hat and put it on proudly. Today is the day for you to call the shots, instead of compromising in order to get along with others.


Sep 23 – Oct 22

Don’t be a pushover today, Libra. This is your time to lead. At least get your opinion out in the open and let it be known to the people around you. Put some passion in your day in order to liven things up and get the energy moving. A powerful transformation may take place within you as you start to wield your power instead of give it blindly away to others.


Oct 23 – Nov 21

You have a great deal of power at your disposal today, Scorpio. You should keep in mind that just about anything you wish for will come true. Don’t waste words or actions. Concentrate your energy and focus it on one or two important things instead of dispersing it and thereby diluting your overall power. There isn’t anything to fear on a day like this.


Nov 22 – Dec 21

In general, things should be going extremely well for you today, Sagittarius, so don’t miss this opportunity to pursue your dreams in every sense of the word. Do things with passion and don’t hold back. Remember that your mind and will are the only things stopping you from getting where you want to be. There’s a great deal of magnetism at your disposal today, so enlist others to help you.


Dec. 22 – Jan 19

Issues regarding freedom are apt to come up today in more ways than one, Capricorn. These issues could be connected with opportunities for adventure and travel. Although you initially want to dive into this promised freedom, take time to reflect on what you need in your current situation before making any final decision. Don’t forget the other people in your life and how such actions might affect them and your relationships.


Jan. 20 –  Feb 18

There is a great deal of startup energy working for you today, Aquarius. You may feel as if you’re walking on hot coals. This isn’t a good day to sit on the couch watching TV. The coals will burn you for sure. It’s important that you keep moving. Engage in activities that exercise your mind as well as body. You’ll feel much better if you can point to something and say that you created it.

Feb 19 – Mar 20

Your energy will light up any room you enter today, Pisces. Feel free to take advantage of this incredible magnetism by initiating and encouraging others to join you in creative activities and bold adventures. However, be careful that your head doesn’t get too big. You can be proud without becoming egotistical; otherwise you’ll end up losing your followers before you even get started.

Source: Horoscope.com

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