DAILY HOROSCOPE: March 29, 2019

Find out what the stars have in store for you today

Mar 21 – Apr 19

Love and romance are in the air tonight, so feel free to let loose, Aries. Instead of being a passive, gentle, soft kind of love, the emotion you feel may be more forceful, passionate, and aggressive. Roll with this feeling as you seduce the object of your desire. Take charge in the bedroom as you lure your mate with your fantastic love of life and desire to have a good time.

Apr 20 – May 20

If you haven’t gotten the love you want lately, Taurus, perhaps it’s because you haven’t asked for it. If you’re involved with someone and feel unfulfilled, consider having a heart-to-heart talk about your needs and what you want out of the relationship in order to be happy. If you aren’t in a relationship now and want to be, you need to be more aggressive about getting to know the one you want.

May 21 – Jun 21

Feel free to upset the equilibrium in order to have your needs met, especially in the bedroom, Gemini. In an effort to maintain the peace and keep everything on an even keel, you’ve neglected your desires for the sake of pleasing someone else. Making compromises for others can be noble, but it may never get you exactly what you want. This is a time to be more aggressive in your pursuit of love.

Jun 22 – Jul 22

Nothing is too hot for you to handle, but why do you insist on burning your hand when you don’t have to, Cancer? Are you trying to prove to someone that you can take the heat without being affected by it? You can get burned just as easily as anyone else even if you deny it. Do things for you and not to prove something to other people, especially when it comes to matters of love and romance.

Jul 23 –  Aug 22

Your physical energy is strong. Your desire for passion and love is intense, Leo. Combine these two forces for a passionate night of love and romance. No one will be able to resist your power. The key now is to make sure that you aren’t giving yourself away to someone who’s unworthy of your love. Match yourself with a person who appreciates you for the amazing person you re.

Aug 23 – Sep 22

Matters of the heart may not be going smoothly, Virgo. Perhaps someone’s approach has been too aggressive. Maybe you’ve been too pushy about what you want. Tension builds up and creates disharmony instead of love. Perhaps you need to examine the dynamics of the relationship. Tough times may indicate that the honeymoon is over. If you’re single, it’s probably for the best right now.

Sep 23 – Oct 22

When it comes to love and romance, you’re probably on fire, Libra. You have an incredible passion for love now, making you one of the most desirable catches around. Partner with someone who shares your thirst for adventure, spontaneity, and the bizarre. You need someone who can keep up with your erratic and powerful energy. If the person you’re with doesn’t fill the bill, look elsewhere.

Oct 23 – Nov 21

If things aren’t going smoothly in a romantic relationship, be careful about blaming yourself, Scorpio. A partnership means that two people work together equally. If this isn’t the case, let your partner know how you feel. While the passion may run high between you, the real glue that will hold you together is sincerity, sensitivity, and mutual understanding.

Nov 22 – Dec 21

Your sex drive is apt to be strong today. This could be the only thing on your mind, Sagittarius. Every person you see may stir feelings in you, even though you may already be committed to someone. If you aren’t in a relationship, this is the time to make a move. Your desire for love is strong, so you should take action.

Dec. 22 – Jan 19

Bring more fire and passion to your love life, Capricorn. Spark things up by being more adventurous. The bolder you are, the more response you will get. Even though you may like to plan ahead and take things slowly, your romantic life is one area where you might do better taking the opposite approach. Have confidence and be spontaneous in all matters having to do with love.


Jan. 20 –  Feb 18

Recent conflicts may stir up some anger in you, Aquarius. This is a powerful force, and you could be tempted to get into a big fight. Put the weapons away and bring out the olive branch. Take that energy that has built up and use it to fuel your romantic affairs instead of warlike ventures. Defuse the situation by sharing passionate nights with the one you love.

Feb 19 – Mar 20

You may not be having the best of luck when it comes to matters of the heart, Pisces, and you may feel you need to take some sort of action. Be careful of acting just for the sake of creating movement. Perhaps the best policy for you now is to relax where you are and wait for the perfect love to come to you. Your battery will be well charged when the time comes to use it.

Source: Horoscope.com

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