May pagahiwaton ang Army Recruitment Team nga entrance examinations sa September 2, 2017 sa Iloilo Science and Technology University, Lapaz, Iloilo City kag sa September 3, 2017 sa Negros Occidental High School, Bacolod City.
Qualifications are the following;
a. Candidate Soldier Course (CSC)
1) 18-26 years old on the start of the training; 2) At least 72 units in college. 3) If High School graduate, must possess a certified skill needed in the military service; 4) Filipino 5) Height of not less than 5’0 ft (152.4 cm) both for male 6) Physical and mentally fit; 7) Unmarried and without child; and 8) No pending case in any court
b. Officer Preparatory Course (OPC)
1) Civilian: 21-23 years old; Enlisted 21-36 years old; 2) Must be a graduate of POTC with a reserve rank of 2LT; 3) Baccalaureate degree holder; 4) Filipino; 5) Height of not less than 5 feet (152.4 cm) both for male and female but not more than 6 feet 4 inches (193.04cm). 6) Physical and mentally fit; and 7) Enlisted Personnel can apply even without completing one (1) term.
c. Officer Candidate Course
1) 21 to 29 years of age upon admission (no age waiver) 2) Holder baccalaureate degree. 3) Single and never been married; 4) Filipino. 5) Height of not less than 5 feet (152.4 cm) both for male and female but not more than 6 feet 4 inches (193.04cm); 6) Physically, mentally fit; and 7) Enlisted Personnel can apply even without completing one (1) term
The following are the requirements needed for the registration during the examinations; 1) Birth Certificate 2) Transcript of Records and Diploma 3) Diploma w/ Form 137-A (for High School Graduate) 4) Valid ID (Government issued) 5) One (1) 2×2 Picture
Point of Contact: MAJ MARVIN G DELOS SANTOS (INF) PA Chief, Army Recruitment Branch-Visayas, Mobile number: 0915-902-6560 and TSg Noel D Cabides (Inf) PA with mobile number 0909-013-0250.
via Philippine Army Spearhead Troopers