STATEMENT: Assurance of continuing PhilHealth benefits

PhilHealth assures the public that members can continue to avail of their health insurance benefits as normal through the PhilHealth accredited Healthcare facilities especially during this time of the pandemic despite the recent suspensions of some senior officers and the ongoing Senate and Congressional hearings regarding allegations of corruption.

We also wish to clarify that the preventive suspension orders recently issued by the Ombudsman to some of its current and former officers is not in any way connected with the on-going hearings in both houses of Congress regarding the above-mentioned alleged corruption.

The Ombudsman order stemmed from the complaints of “grave misconduct, oppression and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service” filed by some regional officers in connection to the administrative cases filed against them between 2017 to 2019.

Amidst all of these, PhilHealth reiterates its commitment to fully cooperate with all the investigating authorities.

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