DAILY HOROSCOPE: February 14, 2020

Find out what the stars have in store for you today

Mar 21 – Apr 19

Someone close to you could develop some strange symptoms that cause this person to panic. It never hurts to consult a doctor, but when this person does, he or she is likely to find that these problems are probably nothing more than stress, too much work, or overindulgence in food or drink. Therefore, don’t you panic, too! You might find yourself making phone calls or running errands to enable your friend to get some rest.

Apr 20 – May 20

Rumors may be circulating today, Taurus, which could cause a certain panic. Some of your friends and colleagues could be calling you at home to discuss the matter. However, these rumors are probably based on little more than gossip, so don’t take them seriously. Someone could have an axe to grind and tend to blow things all out of proportion. Try not to engage in this gossip. Stay calm and let your callers know that, for you, the best strategy seems to be to wait for the situation to grow clearer. That should get you through.

May 21 – Jun 21

A member of your household is likely to be in a very strange mood today, Gemini. This person has heard some news that is confusing and probably untrue and therefore is wondering what effect this would have on their situation. If he or she discusses it with you, the best advice you could give would be to not panic until there’s a chance to check the facts. The truth is probably a lot different from what you’ve all heard.

Jun 22 – Jul 22

Attempts to contact others in different states or foreign countries today could go awry, Cancer, as technology that we tend to take for granted, such as telephones and the Internet, could malfunction, perhaps due to solar flares. There isn’t much point in making yourself crazy, as this is beyond human control. The only thing you can do is wait! In the meantime, do something else that you love.

Jul 23 –  Aug 22

Machines involved in financial transactions, such as ATMs, phone systems, or banking websites could malfunction today, Leo, so you might have to resort to dealing with money in the old fashioned way: by going into the bank or writing checks. Electrical storms or solar flares could be interfering with satellite signals, so there isn’t much you can do. Needless to say, this isn’t a good day to make any major financial transactions.


Aug 23 – Sep 22

This might be a good day to take some time for yourself, Virgo. Contact with others, no matter how much you love them, isn’t likely to go well, as most people are probably restless and in uncertain moods. This is a good day to catch up on your reading or web surfing and work on projects of your own that you may have been neglecting for a while. You can always contact your friends tomorrow!


Sep 23 – Oct 22

Today you might be trying to learn about a new form of modern technology, perhaps computer related, Libra, and you could find it too confusing for words. Your brain could be going into overload, so it’s probably best to take it one step at a time! It’s also important to remember to take breaks and clear your head. Too much information all at once could result in your not being able to absorb any of it.


Oct 23 – Nov 21

A member of your household is likely to be in a very strange mood today, Scorpio. This person has heard some news that is confusing and probably untrue and therefore is wondering what effect this would have on their situation. If he or she discusses it with you, the best advice you could give would be to not panic until there’s a chance to check the facts. The truth is probably a lot different from what you’ve all heard.


Nov 22 – Dec 21

Rumors may be circulating today, Sagittarius, which could cause a certain panic. Some of your friends and colleagues could be calling you at home to discuss the matter. However, these rumors are probably based on little more than gossip, so don’t take them seriously. Someone could have an axe to grind and tend to blow things all out of proportion. Try not to engage in this gossip. Stay calm and let your callers know that, for you, the best strategy seems to be to wait for the situation to grow clearer. That should get you through.


Dec. 22 – Jan 19

Bizarre news that comes to you from far away, possibly via email or the Internet, could be spreading like wildfire among the people you know and causing a lot of excitement, Capricorn. Take care that you don’t get too excited, since this is very likely to be misinformation that some rather weird minds have garbled. Consider it interesting, think about it, but don’t take it seriously unless reliable sources confirm it.


Jan. 20 –  Feb 18

Some rather disturbing news about trends in the world economy could have you and everyone around you worrying about your financial future. Have faith, Aquarius. What you’re hearing may be total misinformation. The future is probably going to shape up to be far different than the picture you draw from the news. In fact, you might find that your own personal finances take a definite turn for the better.

Feb 19 – Mar 20

Get-togethers with friends today could prove a bit unsettling, Pisces, as someone who attends them could throw out an opinion or possibility that seems rather shocking. This opinion, however, is likely to be based on rumor, gossip, and other misinformation, so it would be a good idea to suggest that these concepts be explored in order to ascertain the facts. They’ll probably turn out to be far more positive than you hear today.

Source: Horoscope.com

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