DAILY HOROSCOPE: July 22, 2018

Find out what the stars have in store for you today
Dec. 22 – Jan 19
If you are a parent, it may be challenging to pull together enough energy to get everyone where they need to go right now. You will be in an introspective, sensitive mood, and it may be hard for you to have much enthusiasm for the mundane chores and tasks the day presents.
Jan. 20 –  Feb 18 
Your workplace is likely to be a little strange right now. People seem contrary, agitated, and distracted. It may be hard for you to get anyone to focus, and the truth is that you aren’t terribly focused yourself. You’ll find a way to relax and enjoy yourself this evening.
Feb 19 – Mar 20 
A friend is trying to play matchmaker with you and all you can think about is getting all your work done! Tsk! Cut yourself a little recreational and pleasure time this evening, and get out together with friends or love-mates. Don’t spend the night hunched over a dark desk fiddling with paperwork. It can wait.
Mar 21 – Apr 19
You could be the center of attention when you least want or expect it right now, so watch your back. Have you ever seen a circus mime? They wait until their victim is distracted then play behind his or her back. You may be working with someone whose sense of humor is similar.
Apr 20 – May 20 
If you find yourself in another room full of people right now it is more important than ever that you take a deep breath, count to ten, then ask yourself if that sarcastic comment will really provoke any positive reactions. People are tense in the workplace right now, so be careful what you say.

May 21 – Jun 21
You have a chance to tell someone how you feel about them right now. If you are single, you may decide to take a chance on telling that secret “crush” you have that you’d like to be more than friends. If you are married, just tell your partner one thing you  appreciate about them.
Jun 22 – Jul 22 
There are some beneficial energies blessing the “home, house real estate, family and relatives” sectors in your chart right now. You can expect that recent disputes will be resolved, or are more easy to deal with, especially if you have a little extra money to spread around.
Jul 23 –  Aug 22
If you are having a hard time making a challenging career decision, reach out to your spiritual source for support. Prayer or meditation may be extremely helpful. Be wary of advice from an elder in your community or family though, they may have a hidden agenda.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
A visit from an old friend may bring up old memories, and some of them may be challenging. One if you may be going through some life challenges that has things either tense or uncomfortable. Try to be as understanding as you can, but set clear boundaries. Do not be afraid to say no.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
You may finally be able to book that dream romantic getaway. It is time you let go and relaxed. If you are single, the best place to meet someone is on a trip over water. If married, any time alone together could turn romantic.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
Family changes are dramatic and exciting, but they can be frustrating too. You will be hearing both good news and bad news from a loved one. Plans to renovate your home may be put on hold temporarily. Family members are making you a little crazy, but you find you need them, so you will have to balance and compromise.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
Avoid any political debates around the water cooler right now. You could find that people of the opposite sex are especially sensitive  to your beliefs and political focus. Paperwork is likely to be challenging right now. Avoid the office politics and keep your nose in your work.

Source: Horoscopes Daily Plus
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