DAILY HOROSCOPE: July 27, 2018

Find out what the stars have in store for you today
Dec. 22 – Jan 19

Talking to a financial adviser might be just what you need right now. There is a struggle between the money going to pay the “bills” and the money ou want to earmark for enjoyment. You need to find a balance between your career and financial life and your love and social lives.

Jan. 20 –  Feb 18 

Pay attention to your health and fitness right now. You are stressing your system with imaginary anxiety and worries. You are not getting enough sleep or exercise and probably have been eating the wrong foods. You have to take better care of yourself.

Feb 19 – Mar 20 

Your outlook for a financial improvement is getting more likely. Your energy is up, and you have a lot of good ideas. Pace yourself, make sure you do not over- extend yourself. Make sure you book enough rest and recreation time.

Mar 21 – Apr 19

You may want to sweep your partner off their feet, and the idea for a romantic trip is a good one – but you may fine that work- related scheduling problems get in the way. If you are single, you may find romance on the road, but there will be a few potholes.

Apr 20 – May 20 

Your family has flip-flopped yet again, confusing you further. Yesterday everything was up in the air, right now you can do no wrong, and they are all coming to your rescue just when you needed a good word. Don’t interrupt. Let them tell you how wonderful you are!


May 21 – Jun 21

People come in all sorts of weird varieties, and right now they are a true bag of mixed nuts. Today they tend to be overly dramatic but highly entertaining. You can get your job done if you stay focused, but you will accomplish nothing if you are dragged into the melodrama they are creating. Keep your nose buried in your own cubicle.

Jun 22 – Jul 22 

An investment in your education or in a trip for educational purposes may turn out to be a much better way to spend your money and time than you thought. Even if you are unable to go back to school, you can still spend some time online or at the library brushing up on your knowledge.

Jul 23 –  Aug 22

Someone in your family will be a little off the wall right now, but their wild –eyed antics may be just what the doctor ordered. They could drag you off to a spa or salon for an impromptu makeover that goes over better than exoected. Don’t  be afraid to push the limits.

Aug 23 – Sep 22

Don’t make any unnecessary large – item purchases early right now. You may find that you are back at the same store by the end of the day, returning some device that does not function as advertised, if at all. Wait until the value becomes obvious. Test electronic devices in the store if you are able.

Sep 23 – Oct 22

Keep a notebook by your bed tonight, as the dreams you have could prove to powerfully beneficial. Your dream material should be interpreted in light of both your current spiritual and financial conditions, a there are messages for your there.

Oct 23 – Nov 21

There may be a big change coming in a friendship because of a change in their family. Someone could be pregnant, or facing other life stage changes or threatened. Keep an open mind; things may end up much better than you anticipate.

Nov 22 – Dec 21

You want to get out with your loved ones for a little fun and play right now and that is a good thing. Just remember that the purpose of the day is to have some fun. Erase any concerns you have about “winning”. Everyone will lose if you lose sight of what really matters.

Source: Horoscopes Daily Plus
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