Find out what the stars have in store for you today
Mar 21 – Apr 19
Less is more should be your motto for today, Aries. The more you cut back in certain areas of your life, the more room you open up to bring in new and exciting things. Go ahead and say no to people, and don’t feel badly about it. Take care of yourself and your needs as much as you take care of the needs of the people around you.
Apr 20 – May 20
You may be asked to slow down today, Taurus. Whether this comes in the form of a speeding ticket or a scrape on the knee when you trip, you must listen to this message. The key for you now isn’t to get too emotional as a result of this slowdown. Know that it’s for your own good. Don’t complain about it – just do it.
May 21 – Jun 21
Share your skills today, Gemini. You will find that as you engage in the role of teacher, you learn more than if you just hold onto your knowledge without sharing it. You will be challenged in ways you didn’t even think possible. Perhaps you will be forced to do a little research when questions arise that you don’t know how to answer.
Jun 22 – Jul 22
Don’t underestimate the power of other people today, Cancer. They may seem flighty and scatterbrained on the outside, but underneath you will find that they have a great deal of wisdom to share. It might take some probing on your part to draw this wisdom out, but once you do, the outpouring of information will richly reward you.
Jul 23 – Aug 22
Remember that there’s a benevolent force out there that loves you, Leo. No matter what, there’s always a shoulder to cry on, even if it isn’t a tangible one. Even in your darkest moments, you’re never alone. Let this knowledge carry you through the day. Feel free to share it with others who seem like they could use a lift.
Aug 23 – Sep 22
Don’t hesitate to say the obvious today, Virgo, even if it sounds corny. Many times people hesitate to say what they really feel because they think it’s obvious to everyone. The truth of the matter is that most people aren’t mind readers and probably aren’t picking up on the subtle signals that you send out. Help them by speaking frankly.
Sep 23 – Oct 22
Look to older figures for advice today, Libra. Seek counsel with a parent or grandparent on issues you feel strongly about. Relationships with older people are likely to go especially well, and you will find you can break through barriers that may have existed between you and a certain member of your family. Make a conscious effort to patch any rifts among your closest kin.
Oct 23 – Nov 21
Consider composing a bit of poetry today, Scorpio. Use this as an exercise to condense your ocean of emotions into a very few words. You might find that a great deal of your inner turmoil really boils down to just one or two central things. Let your written words express this as succinctly as possible.
Nov 22 – Dec 21
Just because your emotions are reserved or somber today doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share them with others, Sagittarius. Work through difficulties by processing your feelings and running them by someone close. Keep your interaction limited to just one person at a time so you don’t get overshadowed by a third party who wants to get their opinion in at the same time.
Dec. 22 – Jan 19
Jan. 20 – Feb 18
You feel like you have a stone strapped to your back, Aquarius. The farther you walk with this load, the slower you go, and the more hunched over you will be by the time you reach your destination. Unloaded the stone from your pack. Realize that this break in your journey will help you make much better time in the long run and save you from a great deal of physical strain.
Feb 19 – Mar 20
Feel free to break ties with certain people now, Pisces. You may be overextending your emotional bank account by investing too much of yourself in others’ lives. You may not even realize how much this sort of action taxes you until you rid yourself of unnecessary baggage. Make phone calls shorter and time in the bathtub longer.