DAILY HOROSCOPE: July 17, 2018

Find out what the stars have in store for you today
Dec. 22 – Jan 19

You may find that your recent efforts to improve your knowledge or experience are paying off in increased opportunities to improve your career standing. You may discover that one of your hobbies or a favorite entertainment has potential to boost your income.

Jan. 20 –  Feb 18 

You may have suffered some kind of loss or setback recently, and it may be causing you to re-evaluate some of your core goals or values. It may not hurt to cut back a little, or to let something go that is not serving your long-range plans.

Feb 19 – Mar 20 

You are very uncertain about your finances right now, but just when it seems that you are headed for a downswing, a sudden oppurtunity could pull your bacon out of the fire. Listen to someone with some big ideas and get ready to make a huge commitment to your future prosperity.

Mar 21 – Apr 19

You will be having a busy productive day right now, when you are called aside by your boss or a “higher up” and asked to take on a leadership role. You may be eager for the opportunity, just keep in mind that it is going to require adjustments in your work schedule.

Apr 20 – May 20 

Push your goals, ideas and aspirations in the workplace right now – you have an awesome idea that will bring together two “sides” of the company or organization, an idea with a lot of money-making potential. You may be spending too much of the day thinking about or talking to your spouse and/or business partners.

May 21 – Jun 21

There are romantic aspects and oppurtunities right now but you cannot expect your family members and parents to be supportive of your choices or love life right now. Friends and companions may introduce you to people who are outside your normal range of experience.

Jun 22 – Jul 22 

If you are not traveling or planning for your summer vacation, then the least you can do is hop in your car for a little trip into the countryside. Energies like right now’s should not be wasted on chores and paperwork, whether the weather cooperates or not.

Jul 23 –  Aug 22

Communication is likely to be confusing right now. Some of your loved ones have some pretty strange ideas, and their mood is hard to properly judge. Be patient and tolerant, and you can help someone you care for come to grips with a powerful life change.

Aug 23 – Sep 22

You may be taking on a leadership role in some kind of online endeavour. You may start up a blog, discussion group, or set up some kind of ongoing commentary that draws other people in to participate. Politics and social causes may be controversial, but they will get tongues wagging.

Sep 23 – Oct 22

You may be in the mood to do more daydreaming than work right now, and this may interfere with your ability to get the job done. The challenge is to stay focused and energetic when you’d rather play. That’s a switch for you, but one you needed.

Oct 23 – Nov 21

Be careful when taking advice from friends and companions about holistic or alternative healthcare right now. They have wild ideas. Someone may try to push you into a teacher’s role that you are not quite ready to take on just now. Be very aware that flattery may hide ulterior motives.

Nov 22 – Dec 21

Your home and family is in a bit of an uproar right now. You went and told your lazy uncle or cousin that they need to get a life and start paying their own way, and it wouldn’t hurt for them to pitch in every once in a while. And that went over about like what you expected.

Source: Horoscopes Daily Plus
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