Nagpagawas ug memorandum No. 121 Series of 2021 ang Provincial Government of Bukidnon alang sa mga mugawas ug musulod sa lalawigan.
Ang mao nga memorandum gipadangat ngadto sa mga Quarantine Checkpoint Personnel, Municipal and City Mayors, Municipal, City, Provincial Chief of Police, Local Interagency Task Group.
Kini aron istriktong pagpatuman sa quarantine checkpoints guidelines agi’g pagsunod sa Omnibus Guidelines sa Community Quarantine sa Pilipinas alayon na usab sa nagkataas nga kaso sa COVID -19 sa Bukidnon.
Kini naglangkob sa musunod:
1. Stay in orders for Individuals with comorbidity, 15 years old and below, 60 years old and above.
2. APORS (Authorized Persons Outside Residence)
a. Valid ID
b. Purpose of Travel (Work Itinerary)
c. Submit to medical screening thermal scanning, footbath, hand disinfection
3. OFWs and Returning Residence
a. Negative RT PCR result taken 72 hours priority to entry to the Province
b. Valid ID
c. Declare Place of Destination
d. Submit to medical screening thermal scanning, footbath, hand disinfection
4. Inbound Travellers (Leisure Travel)
a. Negative RT PCR result taken 72 hours priority to entry to the Province
b. Valid ID
c. Declare Place of Destination
d. Submit to medical screening thermal scanning, footbath, hand disinfection