The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) wishes to announce that it will continue to shoulder the cost of treatment for all Covid 19 cases until 14 April 2020.
The reason for this accommodation window is due to the novelty and the wide range of severity of the disease in the country for which no existing case rate or package based on accepted protocols has yet been established.
PhilHealth is confident that by the above mentioned date, more about the behavior of the disease in the Philippines can be learned, a final protocol established and an appropriate case rate developed that will provide adequacy and sustainability to the anti-Covid 19 campaign. Before then, it shall issue a new set of guidelines which will include the appropriate case rate and protocol in dealing with the disease.
PhilHealth wishes to assure all Filipinos that even under the period of this pandemic it intends to fulfill its mandate under the Universal Health Care Law of providing adequate health service to all Filipinos when needed.
President and CEO