You are changing you look and your entire attitude is different now. This could bing problems with insecure companions who fear losing the “old” you. The truth is that this is one of many transformations you are going to go through for a while and if they can’t cope, then you may indeed be moving apart.
Most encounters with police officers and authority figures are stressful, but that’s not the case right now. An authority figure could be lucky for you in some way. You could be invited to join a highly influential group of people, but you may have to keep your membership secret.
Everyone seems to be tense and uncomfortable, even you. The best way to deal with it is to meditate, set up an appointment for a spa, massage or to buy some movie tickets to get away from reality for a while. Pushing things will solve nothing right now.
Some good financial news may brighten your smile and put a spring in your step. You may hear of a raise, bonus, promotion or contract that is heading your way. Stay positive if there are temporary setbacks, the long term outlook is going to improve.
You may be spending a lot of time on the telephone right now. If you are still single, the calls could have a lot of romantic content. If you are already married, you may be talking about your family, particularly children, both present and future.
Someone in your family may be suffering from depression and they are looking to you for help and advice. One of the best things they can do is to remind themselves that no matter how challenging thing looks right now, things will change down the road. They always do.
You have a wonderful opportunity to make some new friends right now. You may be invited to join a club or group of people who share your interests in the arts or music. You will feel that these people are important to your future even if you are not sure why yet.
That travel bug is giving you a rash right now. You may find that there are lot of delays and detours, and unmarked dips in the road. Be prepared for anything. If you think you probably won’t need it, chances are excellent you will, so bring it along.
Unexpected personal adjustments are occurring because of changes in your family. If you are a new parent, aunt or uncle, you are discovering that there are a lot more responsibilities to be shouldered right now. You may be considering taking classes or lessons soon.
There is a great good news coming about your work and health- but you may have a hard time sharing that news with others right now. You’ll be pushy and impatient, and will be a lot happier if you slow things down- but you’ll be very excited and excitable right now.
You have an opportunity to make money out of your home on some kind of craft, hobby or creative business. Your ideas to redecorate your home may be costly, but there could be long-term financial benefit in having a more attractive home.
You will be on the phone, on the Internet, or driving around to be together with friends who share your ideas and aspirations. You may be considering a trip or vacation together with a friend. You will want to go somewhere where you can indulge yourselves.