A total of 136 weighing scales without valid sticker wereseized by the Local Price Coordinating Council (LPCC) of Iligan City during theOperation Timbangan simultaneously held in Pala-o and Central Markets andnearby areas in the morning of 12 July 2017.
Iligan City Mayor Celso G. Regencia wants the buyingpublic to feel the active presence of the government in protecting consumersfrom unscrupulous business establishments thru the LPCC and not just inensuring the safety and security of his constituents amidst the Marawi Crisis.
Operation Timbangan was also conducted due to thesignificant number of verbal complaints recently from consumers on purchasesinvolving the utilization of weighing scales this inspite of the presence ofTimbangan ng Bayan facility to verify the grams or kilograms of goods bought,or items to be handled like in laundry stations.
The Permits and License Division of the City Mayor’sOffice spearheaded the said operation to 144 businesses which included serviceand repair shops as well as ambulant vendors.
In the meantime, DTI has encouraged the LGU-Iligan thruits Economic Enterprise Development and Management Office (EEDMO) to adjust theservice hours of Timbangan ng Bayan to accommodate early morning and late eveningbuyers.
Service hours of Timbangan ng Bayan facilities areusually from 8:00am until 5:00pm.